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Bùth air-loidhne

B’ fheudar dhuinn cuingealachadh cuideam 2kg a chuir an gnìomh taobh a-staigh na bùtha air sgàth an fheadhainn a chuir na teachdairean “corporra” againn an sàs a thaobh lioftaichean luingeis.
Ma tha fhad ‘s a tha sinn a’ dol air adhart leis an òrdugh agad, ma tha e ag ràdh nach tèid sinn chun àite agad, bidh e mar thoradh air a’ chuingealachadh seo. Feuch an lughdaich / roinn thu an òrdugh no cuir fios thugainn & gheibh sinn teachdaire eile. 
Mar thoradh air an RA a-mach às an Aonadh Eòrpach, thoir an aire gum faodadh gum bi tuilleadh chìsean in-mhalairt / chìsean air an cur an sàs leis an dùthaich cheann-uidhe. 

Neutral Leather Conditioner, Dye-guard & Antibacterial Protector (500ml)

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Stain & Antibacterial Leather Protection
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Neutral Leather Conditioner, Dye-guard & Antibacterial Protector (500ml)
Product Details




A must product for all modern, water-based surface pigmented upholstery leather. As well as our specially developed "dye-guard" additive offering resistance against future staining & wear, it also contains antibacterial protection, including the aroma of "traditional" leather!

This product, many years in development, was our answer to the constant aviation, automotive & domestic customer enquiries we received as to what can be done to continue the fight against various issues after we had resolved them.

Everything from premature wear, clothing dye transfer, killing bacterial contamination on airline seating to masking pet, damp & tobacco aromas in their vehicle!

We always use the lotion as the final "barrier" treatment on our Reconnolling projects. It also has the added benefit of reinstating the aroma making it more than just a "visual" impact on customer collection.

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