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Bùth air-loidhne

B’ fheudar dhuinn cuingealachadh cuideam 2kg a chuir an gnìomh taobh a-staigh na bùtha air sgàth an fheadhainn a chuir na teachdairean “corporra” againn an sàs a thaobh lioftaichean luingeis.
Ma tha fhad ‘s a tha sinn a’ dol air adhart leis an òrdugh agad, ma tha e ag ràdh nach tèid sinn chun àite agad, bidh e mar thoradh air a’ chuingealachadh seo. Feuch an lughdaich / roinn thu an òrdugh no cuir fios thugainn & gheibh sinn teachdaire eile. 
Mar thoradh air an RA a-mach às an Aonadh Eòrpach, thoir an aire gum faodadh gum bi tuilleadh chìsean in-mhalairt / chìsean air an cur an sàs leis an dùthaich cheann-uidhe. 

Gentle "Antibacterial" Leather Cleaner (500ml)

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Antibacterial Leather Protection
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Gentle "Antibacterial" Leather Cleaner (500ml)
Product Details

A ready to use, mild, antibacterial leather cleaner with trigger.

Supplied to a major airline for cabin use. For regular wiping down to minor stains, spills, soiling & "protection".

Recommended starter product for your new leather upholstery.

Not suitable on porous leathers, such as Nubuck or suede. For cleaning heavier soiled leather, use our Concentrated Leather Cleaner.

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