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Bùth air-loidhne

B’ fheudar dhuinn cuingealachadh cuideam 2kg a chuir an gnìomh taobh a-staigh na bùtha air sgàth an fheadhainn a chuir na teachdairean “corporra” againn an sàs a thaobh lioftaichean luingeis.
Ma tha fhad ‘s a tha sinn a’ dol air adhart leis an òrdugh agad, ma tha e ag ràdh nach tèid sinn chun àite agad, bidh e mar thoradh air a’ chuingealachadh seo. Feuch an lughdaich / roinn thu an òrdugh no cuir fios thugainn & gheibh sinn teachdaire eile. 
Mar thoradh air an RA a-mach às an Aonadh Eòrpach, thoir an aire gum faodadh gum bi tuilleadh chìsean in-mhalairt / chìsean air an cur an sàs leis an dùthaich cheann-uidhe. 

Connolly Hide Care Cream (284ml) x 6

£108.00 Save 36%
Not Recommended For Modern (Post: 1990) Leather Upholstery
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Connolly Hide Care Cream (284ml) x 6
Product Details

The traditional product (formerly known as Connolly Hide Food) New Stock, purchased fresh, direct from manufacturers in new clear jars!

A rich lanolin & beeswax cream ideally suited on older, or vintage "surface pigmented" leathers produced prior to 1990.

It seems to have been adopted as a "generic" leather preserver & has a following on sheepskin WWII flying jackets, saddlery, vintage luggage, antique leather book bindings, hand made shoes etc. but do your research!

The white spirit it uses as an emulsifier helps it absorb & soften the older, heavier, solvent/nitrocellulose-based pigmented coatings, but can be detrimental on modern water-based ones, particularly two-toned (antique) effects or leather upholstery refinished before!

The recipe has changed little over the last 60 years, but leather production has gone water-based! Usual advise if in doubt is always test on small, unobtrusive area first & stop use if see any colour movement or surface remains sticky even after a few days.

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