Bùth air-loidhne
B’ fheudar dhuinn cuingealachadh cuideam 2kg a chuir an gnìomh taobh a-staigh na bùtha air sgàth an fheadhainn a chuir na teachdairean “corporra” againn an sàs a thaobh lioftaichean luingeis.
Ma tha fhad ‘s a tha sinn a’ dol air adhart leis an òrdugh agad, ma tha e ag ràdh nach tèid sinn chun àite agad, bidh e mar thoradh air a’ chuingealachadh seo. Feuch an lughdaich / roinn thu an òrdugh no cuir fios thugainn & gheibh sinn teachdaire eile.
Mar thoradh air an RA a-mach às an Aonadh Eòrpach, thoir an aire gum faodadh gum bi tuilleadh chìsean in-mhalairt / chìsean air an cur an sàs leis an dùthaich cheann-uidhe.
Concentrated Leather Cleaner (500ml) 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 2.5L & 5L AVAILABLE
A mild, "concentrated" leather shampoo made to the same classic Connolly Leather recipe. Suitable for cleaning all sealed, surface pigmented leathers & vinyl trim.
A product we have used in all our many years in the leather restoration business! We also supply to a couple of major airlines & football clubs!
Being "Concentrated", you add 1 part soap to 8-10 parts hot water. So, 500ml bottle will make up to 5 litres of cleaning solution!
Simply dilute only what you need "proportionately" in hot water to generate a rich soap solution. Agitate with a quality sponge to generate a rich lather, wring out excess water in bucket & use foam only to clean leather. This should effectively "sweat" out water soluble impurities without you over wetting the leather. This is important if the leather's particularly worn, around switching, or if you have "perforations". Always avoid creating "runs" by soaping from the bottom, up. A soft bristled brush can sometimes be used in creases.
Wring our a microfiber cloth in a separate bucket of cold water to wipe off foam as you go to avoid allowing contamination to dry in again. Change water if goes tepid or interior heavily soiled, or you'll be putting dirty water back onto the leather. Sometimes better to give leather a couple of mild, quick washes rather than one aggressive one! Treat it like your own skin. Hot water opens pores & cold closes them.
Once satisfied with result, apply a "barrier" lotion evenly to wearing surfaces with lint free cloth & allow to dry.
That first clean will usually take time & effort, but next time impurities will be sitting on the lotion & should take a fraction of time & effort!